2011年9月13日 星期二

[重要訊息] 9/14 2x關鍵致富 最新定案公告

9/14 2x關鍵致富 最新定案公告:(請登錄官方後台)

一、橫幅廣告 Banners 及 2張 Splash Pages 已完成

二、最新:三階段制度 及 循環獎金:

第一階段為 2x3 強制矩陣(Sliver):$50美金

每完成一次 2x3矩陣 (只需要14個位子) 則累積獎金 $50美金

當你循環第一階段的2x3矩陣後,會自動免費多給予一個2x3的(Sliver)位子及 2x2 矩陣(Gold)的位子 去累積矩陣

第二階段為 2x2 強制矩陣(Gold):$250美金

每完成一次2x2矩陣 (只需要6個位子) 則 累積循環獎金 $250美金

當你循環第二階段的2x2矩陣後,會自動免費多給予一個 第一階段的2x2的(Sliver)位子及第三階段的 2x2 矩陣(Platinum)的位子 相互累積矩陣!

第三階段為 2x2 強制矩陣(Platinum):$1,100美金

每完成一次2x2矩陣 (只需要6個位子) 則 累積循環獎金 $1100美金當你循環第三階段的2x2矩陣後,會自動免費多給予一個第一階段 2x2的(Sliver)位子,幫助你第一階段的 Sliver矩陣循環!

直推獎金: $3.5美金
每位下線每次/月加入時都有快速獎金 $3.5美金/月/次

Hello Eric,

Banners and two splash pages have been added into the members area under Promotional Center for you to use in your promotional efforts. The personal splash page is being coded now by our programmer, and you will be able to add your picture and even a little testimonial to it. It should be ready soon.

We are nearing full launch now, and in an effort to provide you with the best paying program on the internet, that will be here for you for years and years, we will be making one last change to our program. Once this is complete, there will be no more changes. This was forced on us by a few members who found a way to manipulate the system in their favor. We cannot allow this.

Starting today, we will be implementing another small matrix, a 2x2 which will be called Platinum this will be added to the end of your matrices. It will payout $1100.00 which is actually a higher payout then what we have now, and will not add that much wait time to your cycling.

The referral fee will stay at $3.50 for each referral with no change.

The Silver matrix will payout $50.00.

The Gold matrix will payout $250.00 plus one entry back into the silver matrix, and one entry into the Platinum matrix.

The Platinum matrix will payout $1100 plus one entry back into the silver matrix.

So as you see, the only thing that has really changed is the increased payout, and one extra small 2x2 to complete.

Remember, memberships start to renew the 17th.This is where you will see the true power of the program, because all those new positions will be spill over or will help fill in your down line, cycling you through to the higher matrices.

If you have not earned yet, hang in there. With these monthly positions, and the cycle positions from the gold and platinum matrix, it wont take long to get you going.

Even if it takes you a year to cycle, you will have invested $300, but will have earned over $1400. See if your bank or money market fund can beat that payout.

But, eventually all your positions will cycle through, including the extra ones from the gold and platinum matrix, providing you with one heck of a yearly income.

Also, everyone should strive to refer at least 2 pro members. If you can’t refer or don’t know how to advertise, simply join the programs in the down line builder, and add your splash pages to them, and we also have an advertising coop that you can use.



2xCycle Admin

